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TRACKLIST (40 canciones):
1-1- Please, Please, Please 1-2- Try Me 1-3- Good Good Lovin' 1-4- I'll Go Crazy 1-5- Think 1-6- Lost Someone 1-7- Night Train 1-8- Prisoner Of Love 1-9- Out Of Sight 1-10- Papa's Got A Brand New Bag 1-11- I Got You (I Feel Good) 1-12- It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World 1-13- Money Won't Change You 1-14- Cold Sweat 1-15- There Was A Time 1-16- I Got The Feelin' 1-17- Licking Stick - Licking Stick 1-18- Say It Loud - I'm Black And I'm Proud 1-19- Give It Up Or Turnit A Loose 1-20- I Don't Want Anybody To Give Me Nothing 1-21- Mother Popcorn 1-22- Hey America 2-1- Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine 2-2- Super Bad 2-3- Soul Power 2-4- Hot Pants 2-5- Make It Funky 2-6- Talkin' Loud And Sayin' Nothing 2-7- King Heroin 2-8- Get On The Good Foot 2-9- The Boss 2-10- Doing It To Death 2-11- The Payback 2-12- Papa Don't Take No Mess 2-13- My Thang 2-14- Funky President (People It's Bad) 2-15- Get Up Offa That Thing 2-16- Bodyheat 2-17- It's Too Funky In Here 2-18- Living in America